1. Background: Educational and Career Outcomes for Arts: New Paradigm Project

From 2015-2108, the Faculty of Arts mounted a project called "Educational and Career Outcomes for UBC Arts Students: Towards a New Paradigm." The objective was to help students connect their academic activity to their awareness of and preparation for the transition to their career. Eportfolios were a crucial piece of the puzzle, becoming a real keystone for this project's objectives. However there were technology challenges and they were too rooted in courses. A better solution was needed.

4. Working with Programs for ePortfolio adoption

We worked with programs that were targeted as having curricular and professional aspects well-suited to the use of ePortfolios. These included: the Bachelor of Media Studies, the Master of Library, Archival, and Information Science, the First Nations and Indigenous Studies Program, and the Geography Department.
But this strategy had both benefits and pitfalls.